Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weigh-In Week 24 & 25

Well, we've been falling down on the blogging lately... Fortunately, we've been sticking to the eating plan well enough, with a few exceptions for family gatherings. The exercise plan... yeah, that one's still under construction... :) Here's how the last couple of weeks went:

Weigh-In Week Twenty-Four [6/13-6/19]
Jay: 331.0 (-1.5 pounds [40.5 overall])
Dee: 211 (-0.5 pounds [20.5 overall])

Weigh-In Week Twenty-Five [6/20-6/26]
Jay: 328.5 (-2.5 pounds [-43 overall])
Dee: 209.5 (-1.5 pounds [-22 overall])

Rock it!
--Jay :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weigh-In Week 23

Well, we've just come off a week with a couple of days celebrating anniversaries and things like that, which involved a few meals out, movies with popcorn and all sorts of fun things... :) We've learned that it's okay to splurge every now and then, as long as we come right back to the plan! Here's how we went (or didn't go, ha ha) for the week:

Weigh-In Week Twenty-Three
Jay: 332.5 (no change [-39.0 overall])
Dee: 211.5 (-0.5 pounds [-20.0 overall])

We shall kick it back into gear for next week...

--Jay :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weigh-In Week 22

We're still plowing along nicely, whipping some calories into submission... No exercise to speak of again this week. Hopefully, once we clear a couple of events that we've had coming up, we'll find time to hop back on the exercise bandwagon... :)

Weigh-In Week Twenty-Two:
Jay: 332.5 (-4.0 pounds [-39.0 overall])
Dee: 212.0 (-1.0 pounds [-19.5 overall])

We have a theatre picnic to attend today, but we're not planning to go too far outside the box. They usually provide veggie burgers and a nice array of veggie and fruit options.

Bring it!
--Jay :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Amazing Shrinking Feet

Ah, back to the online world after a laptop format & reinstall... ugh...

Anyway, Dee made a fascinating discovery today when she went to squeeze on some shoes that were always on the tight side, and now they're falling off her feet! It's funny to think of all the places that the weight comes off of you. :)

--Jay :)