Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Dreaded E-Word

"Food Is Health; Exercise Is Fitness" --Tony Horton

Tony who? Yeah, he's the P90X guy. No, we're not doing P90X (not yet, anyway... but it is on Dee's eventual goal list) but that's means it's time for... EXERCISE...

Okay, it's not as bad as it seems. We were watching QVC this morning, as they were hawking the P90X program, and we got inspired to kick it to the next level and start our Gazelle / Core Rhythms routine again, as we've done in the past.

Dee started on the Gazelle this morning and did 2 miles in 30 minutes. Then she put on the Core Rhythms 38-minute full workout while I plodded along on the Gazelle for 15 minutes, doing 0.9 miles. I will work up to better than that, but I haven't exercised in eons. :)

So, we're feeling good... feeling inspired... hopefully, it will last. We'll have to get our workouts in on the weekends, because between work, theatre rehearsals, and choir practice, we are completely consumed Monday through Thursday from sunup to sundown. We shall cram as much health as we can into our 3-day weekends.

Let's do this thing!

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