Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We survived the annual office New Year party, rocked some karaoke, chose some pretty healthy options and portion sizes for dinner, and drank only water. Sweetness!

Dee has been doing more research and came across something that said you may gain some weight when you first start working out, due to the fact that your muscles will try to hold onto some of your water intake to stay healthy and hydrated. After a few weeks, everything should balance out. Silly muscles, making our weigh-in numbers look less than stellar! :)

Dee has been re-motivated by the fact that she can tell her clothes are fitting better, and she received a compliment out of the blue yesterday that her face and neck are looking skinnier! After struggling through her post-party Monday workout yesterday, she was right back on it in full force this morning for Day 7 of the Shred.

Whoop whoop!
--Jay :)

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