Sunday, February 27, 2011

Recipe: Curry Popcorn

Here is a slight adaptation on an Aarti Sequeira recipe from her Youtube "Aarti Paarti" days, before she went to Food Network, and they renamed her show "Aarti Party". :)

Curry Popcorn
~serves two peepses

3 Tbsp vegetable oil (I usually sub canola oil)
1/3 cup popcorn kernels
1 tsp salt, finely ground
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1/4 tsp garam masala (or you can sub cinnamon)

1) Put oil, along with 3 or 4 popcorn kernels, in a 3 quart pot on high heat, with lid on. Wait until all your tester kernels have popped.

2) Take the pot off the heat, then add the popcorn & all spices. Put the lid back on, shake to coat popcorn with oil and disperse spices. Wait 30 seconds.

3) Put the pot back on high heat, shaking periodically to prevent burning, until there are several seconds between popping sounds.

You're done! Remove from heat, toss in a bowl, and enjoy!
--Jay :)

Weigh-In: Week 7 & 8

Been a busy couple of weeks... We've been occupied with the impending opening of our current community theatre production, as well as auditions for the following show! :)

Anyway, we've still been plugging along on the reduced-carb & sugar front, but still haven't jumped back on the exercise bandwagon just yet. Here's how we rolled...

Weigh In Week Seven [2/14/2011-2/20-2011]
Jay: 334.5 (+0.5 pounds for the week; -27.5 for 2011)
Dee: 213.0 (-1.0 pounds for the week; -15.0 for 2011)

Weigh In Week Eight [2/21/2011-2/27-2011]
Jay: 329.5 (-5.0 pounds for the week; -32.5 for 2011)
Dee: 211.0 (-2.0 pounds for the week; -17.0 for 2011)

We've been playing around with all sorts of new snacking ideas too, just to keep things interesting. I've tried to add one piece of fruit back into my daily eating plan, but we've also stayed on some of the lower carb ideas, such as little pizzas made with the melba toast we got at Trader Joe's... nachos using our flaxseed chips from Trader Joe's... yay for Trader Joe's. :)

We plan to stay good for the next few weeks through the run of our current show, then relax a little on the caloric front on a brief family trip, and come back and kick back into gear.

--Jay :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weigh-In: Week 6

Eh, a bit of a stall on the blogging front, as well as the weight loss front this week. We've been plugging along, watching calories, carbs & sugar. One downside of the lower carb & sugar shift is that we seem to be bringing a little more fat back in, and we've eliminated fruit completely. We're still not going over the recommended 65g of fat per day by any means though. I'm thinking to adjust a little more over the next few weeks so that ALL my numbers are in a good balance. :)

Weigh In Week Six [2/7/2011-2/13/2011]
Jay: 334.0 (-2.0 pounds for the week; -28.0 for 2011)
Dee: 214.0 (+0.5 pounds for the week; -14.0 for 2011)

Not counting Friday the 11th when we had a decent, semi-health-conscious meal out at TGI Friday's, Dee's carbs ranged from 100.8-133.0 and sugars from 17.52-27.42 for the week. My carbs were 110.2-161.8 and sugars were 15.85-36.25, mostly because I'm trying to finish off some artificially sweetened nonfat yogurt that we still having hanging around the house.

Rock it!
--Jay :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weigh-In: Week 5

All we can say this week is, "Thank you, Jorge Cruise!" We're not following the Belly Fat Cure to the letter, but we've re-evaluated our sugar intake, making sure what we do take in is mostly of the natural variety. Dee had a remarkable showing this week, and I did better than I have the last couple of weeks. Let's peek at it...

Weigh In Week Five [1/31/2011-2/6/2011]
Jay: 336.0 (-3.5 pounds for the week; -26.0 for 2011)
Dee: 213.5 (-6.0 pounds for the week; -14.5 for 2011)

The funny thing is, we both weighed in Tuesday morning, and hadn't lost a thing for the week. Dee started reducing her sugar intake drastically on Wednesday, and I joined her on Thursday. So these results seem to come from only 3 or 4 days of this new eating plan!

Here's how our carb & sugar intake changed this week:

Mon. 1/31 - didn't count carbs & sugar

Tue. 2/1:
Jay - 247.2 g carbs; 104.6 g sugar
Dee - 236.7 g carbs; 96.5 g sugar

Wed. 2/2: (Dee went full-force onto the new plan)
Jay - 240.7 g carbs; 108.1 g sugar
Day - 132.1 g carbs; 33.2 g sugar

Thu. 2/3: (I made some small adjustments)
Jay - 176 g carbs; 62.1 g sugar
Dee - 106.3 g carbs; 21.8 g sugar

Fri. 2/4: (We went healthy shopping, so I joined full-on)
Jay - 145.5 g carbs; 33.3 g sugar
Dee - 108.3 g carbs; 21.1 g sugar

Sat. 2/5:
Jay - 135.2 g carbs; 27.0 g sugar
Dee - 112.9 g carbs; 22.8 g sugar

Dee had 4 strong days on this new way of thinking, and I had... call it 2 1/2 days. :)

Not bad... not bad a'tall...
--Jay :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Word With Two Zs

We decided to have a little fun with our mid-morning snack today, and tried out some Trader Joe's Tzatziki (a Greek yogurt, cucumber, garlic dip) with celery sticks. Dee said it was a little more watery than some she'd tried at a friend's house, but good nonetheless!

Why am I posting this at 6:30 pm, when we ate our snack around 11:00 am? I dunno. We've been running around like crazy today. :)

We also crafted a tuna melt wrap, similar to the one several months ago on this blog, using canned tuna, cheddar cheese, mustard, grated Parmesan, and lettuce on these mongo-wraps we found at Trader Joe's with 12 grams of fiber per wrap. Woo!

Weigh-in tomorrow morning!
--Jay :)

Exercise Recap: Week 5

Not much to report this week, as Dee injured her poor, poor shoulder/back muscles after last Sunday's attempt at being Super-Exercise-Girl!

Sunday 1/30/2011 [day off]
9:35 am - Dee - Gazelle Level 1 (20 min, 1.5 miles)

That be it! Other than some choreography rehearsals (which we have one to attend today as well), she's been resting and I've been lazy.

--Jay :)

It's The Great Pumpkin!

We're off and rolling with our watch-your-sugar-type plan this morning! We both had our normal 1/2 cup of oatmeal, now bolstered with 1/4 cup unsweetened canned pumpkin, cinnamon, and a dash of Stevia. Next be the new-found Trader Joe's fat-free Greek yogurt with a sprinkling of Uncle Sam cereal and a dusting of Stevia. Then, our old friend Egg Mates (our local, generic egg substitute) with a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese from the bright green can! Add some Folgers Chocolate Truffle coffee, and my morning is complete!

Dee accidentally over-Stevia-ed her yogurt to the point that she couldn't even palate it, so I adopted that as well, and still came out under my normal calories, and WAY under my typical carb & sugar level... wow... This might not hurt as badly as I'd thought...

--Jay :)