Friday, February 4, 2011

What A Haul!!!

We have officially hit up some healthy, organic-type food stores! We rolled to Virginia Beach today, stopping at Trader Joe's and The Fresh Market along the way, as well as our good ol' standard issue grocery store for the rest of our essentials. Check it out...

Look at this stuff! Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the dude... the dude who has everything? (Okay, enough of that...)

I mean, we've got unsweetened canned pumpkin, almond milk, veggie & flaxseed chips, arugula, smoked salmon, fibrous Uncle Sam cereal, melba toast, Wasa crackers, turkey pepperoni, low fat cottage cheese, hummus, guacamole, wraps with 12 grams of fiber, low carb pita pockets & bread, fat-free Greek yogurt, tzatziki, sunflower seeds, 72% dark chocolate, and that little baby bottle to the left is our potential new friend, pure Stevia extract powder. Wow.

We've made some definite plans for some of this stuff, and a few things will be tried out as Mega-Football-Game-With-Trademarked-Name snacks this Sunday. The rest... well, I'll let you know. This stuff should be a big help in lowering the sugar levels around the house, while still staying in balance. Man, this numbers game is evil... :)

--Jay :)

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