Sunday, February 27, 2011

Recipe: Curry Popcorn

Here is a slight adaptation on an Aarti Sequeira recipe from her Youtube "Aarti Paarti" days, before she went to Food Network, and they renamed her show "Aarti Party". :)

Curry Popcorn
~serves two peepses

3 Tbsp vegetable oil (I usually sub canola oil)
1/3 cup popcorn kernels
1 tsp salt, finely ground
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1/4 tsp garam masala (or you can sub cinnamon)

1) Put oil, along with 3 or 4 popcorn kernels, in a 3 quart pot on high heat, with lid on. Wait until all your tester kernels have popped.

2) Take the pot off the heat, then add the popcorn & all spices. Put the lid back on, shake to coat popcorn with oil and disperse spices. Wait 30 seconds.

3) Put the pot back on high heat, shaking periodically to prevent burning, until there are several seconds between popping sounds.

You're done! Remove from heat, toss in a bowl, and enjoy!
--Jay :)

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