Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to the Sweet Potato Fry Blog... :)

How do I love Sweet Potato Fries; let me count the ways...

Okay, so we're totally not burnt out on the awesomeness of Sweet Potato Fries, and tonight's batch was the best yet! (Okay, so I think I've only made them four times, but still...) I left them in the oven longer on the second side, and got them nice and toasty... tender inside... mmmm...

Here they sit, next to one of my favorite vegetables of all time...

Why are so many people Brussels-sprouts-haters? I guess I can see they've got a unique taste... a little cabbage-y. If they're not cooked enough, their raw taste isn't very pleasant. But I love these things, AND they're great for you, so... bonus! :)

We hit the gym again today... Dee did 35 minutes on the elliptical, and about 20 on the treadmill, burning approximately 590 calories, according to the electronic brains. I... sat. :) I decided to be there for moral support, but I had a little too much work to do for our theatre group, so I rocked the laptop across the room while Dee worked out. :)

I'll try to limit the number of Sweet Potato Fry photos from now on... Once we clear off some of these leftover Nutrisystem lunches and frozen entrees, we'll start cooking more and have more to show off. :)


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