Saturday, April 17, 2010

"She told me to walk this way..." --Aerosmith (1975)

Well, Dee & I are some walkin' machines! I wimped out a bit on the late-afternoon walk yesterday and scaled it down to just one mile... Not bad... I don't remember the last time I walked two miles in a single day, for no good reason, ha! :)

We're still tracking all our dietary numbers, as that seems to be a good guilt trip I can give myself... if I can't COUNT it... I can't EAT it... so that helps me personally get rid of any stray snacks at work, homemade goodies brought in, etc. etc. etc. Plus, we're set it all up in a spreadsheet with "goal" numbers for each day, so we can see how close we are to going over and we know when we're had enough for the day.

We started today off with a mile AND A HALF walk post-breakfast. I had only eaten about half my intended breakfast and chugged the last half of my cup of coffee, so I was feeling pretty weird around the half-mile mark, but I soon settled in and pushed for a little extra.

Tomorrow morning is the big grand re-weigh-in, and I'm sure we're both up from where we left off on the blog, but we'll soon get that turned around again!

Rock it!
--Jay :)

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