Friday, April 16, 2010

Wagging Their Tails Behind Them...

Well, we fell off the wagon for a while. Actually, our wagon went over a ravine and broke apart on some rocky outcroppings... okay, so it wasn't THAT bad. It just wasn't that GOOD.

We've come back with a vengeance, partly due to the fact that we're both in a play and would like to look a little more aesthetically pleasing, and party due to the fact that we're both tired of being lazy. We're cleaning the house, getting rid of junk, donating stuff to charity, and working on the bodies as well!

Dee and I walked a mile this morning after breakfast, ate super healthy all day, keeping track of the calories, fat, fiber, protein, and sugar, and are planning a before-dinner late-afternoon walk of about 1.5 miles. Bring it!

We haven't weighed in lately, but will do a complete update this Sunday.

The challenge is back on! Eat our dust!!! :P


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