Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weigh-In Week 4

Well, it just gets interesting-er and interesting-er. After staying on our healthy eating path all week (except for the party last Sunday) we've had virtually no progress on the scale. We're noticing clothes are fitting better, and have become suspicious that our weight is starting to get scared and it's just running away to other places... :)

Weigh-In Week Four:
Jay: 361.5 [-0.5 for the week (-10 overall)]
Dee: 226.5 [no change for the week (-5 overall)]

We're planning to begin the dreaded "exercise phase" now, as the good eating just doesn't seem to be holding up on its own like it used to. :)

Carry on!

UPDATE: (four hours later) Wow, Dee has just weighed again AFTER breakfast and coffee, and is down a full pound... but we'll save that for next week's weigh-in I suppose... :)

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