Saturday, May 8, 2010

Exercise Update: Week 18

The end of another productive week of exercise, most of which was indoors due to the existence of those evil yellow flies (see previous post). Here's how we rolled:

Sunday 5/2 [took the day off from work]
9:00 am - J & D walked about 1/10 mile before "yellow fly" attack!
9:30 am - Dee did 12 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 2 (0.4 miles)
4:00 pm - Core Rhythms "Full Workout" - J did 15 min., D did the whole 38 min.

Monday 5/3 [work day]
8:20 am - Dee did 15 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 2 (0.5 miles)
8:45 am - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - J did 5 min., D did the whole 22 min.

Tuesday 5/4 [work day]
8:00 am - Dee did 15 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 2 (0.5 miles)
8:25 am - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - J did 8 min., D did the whole 22 min.

Wednesday 5/5 [work day]
morning - Dee did 15 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 2 (0.5 miles)
morning - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - Dee did the whole 22 minute workout

Thursday 5/6 [work day]
morning - Dee did 15 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 2 (0.5 miles)
morning - Jay did 12 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 1 (0.7 miles)
morning - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - Dee did the whole 22 minute workout

Friday 5/7 [day off]
10:30 am - Dee did 20m30s on the Gazelle at Level 1 (1.5 miles)
11:00 am - Jay did 10m20s on the Gazelle at Level 1 (0.7 miles)
11:00 am - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - Dee did the whole 22 minute workout

Saturday 5/8 [day off]
9:15 am - Dee did 20 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 1 (1.5 miles)
9:50 am - Jay did 16 minutes on the Gazelle at Level 1 (1.0 miles)
9:50 am - Core Rhythms "Quick Workout" - Dee did the whole 22 minute workout

We're headed to host the entertainment at a sort of cast-type party this evening, and won't get in much more exercise than hauling some audio equipment, but Dee hit up every day this week, and I got in on at least a little bit for 6 out of 7 days. Not too shabby!

--Jay :)

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