Monday, May 24, 2010

Weigh-In Week 20

Looking back, it has been a bit of a quiet week here on the blog. If only in real life... :)

This past week was the closing of our theatre production, including tearing down the set after the last performance. There was no structured exercise to speak of for the week, other than a bit of lifting and carrying things up a flight of stairs to our group's warehouse. We did manage to eat well all week, including at the pizza party after the set strike, where we rocked the salad bar.

Here's how we rolled:

Weigh-In Week Twenty:
Jay: 340.0 (-2.0 pounds [-31.5 overall])
Dee: 216.0 (-2.0 pounds [-15.5 overall])

I think my results last week were partially due to not being as hydrated as normal, and I tried to compensate for that this week.

Rock it!
--Jay :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids, it's Mom Magi, waiting to turn 60 soon. I cannot get on facebook for some reason, so I am writing you here. I have had the flu for going on 2 1/2 weeks now, just feel tired, and have missed my PT for quite a while. Please call when you can ok? Love Mother
