Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's a jungle out there...

Dee & I had a slight brain malfunction yesterday... We were right on schedule, with all food packed and ready to go for work... only to find that upon getting to work, our "dinner" bag was still sitting on the counter at home! No Chicken Chili?! No pudding and fiber bars for dessert?! What were we to do?!?!

Fortunately, our friend the internet, along with the good folks at Calorie King, led us to an alternative, and we were able to find a healthy fast-food option. So, we ended up with a plain baked potato from Wendy's, and we split a small chili.

Upon returning home to the calorie counting spreadsheet, we actually came up short for the day! Further proof that healthy options can be found while eating out, but we wouldn't want to rely solely on fast-food, as the potato & chili didn't exactly keep us as full as our normal fare.

Oh well, it's good to know we didn't mess up our whole plan! :)

--Jay :)

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