Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beginning Anew for the New Year!

Welcome back to the blog!

I'm speaking, of course, to myself. Where have I been? Consumed by (or should I say, consuming) the jungle of evil delicious things that lurk in the shadowy alleys of life.

As you may recall, this blog was prompted by a friendly competition with my brother-in-law to see who could drop the most poundage from January to August of 2010. After the competition ended (and I stomped his rear into the ground!), I got soft. And so did my mid-section, before ever even standing a chance to be any other way.

So I enjoyed food again. I didn't enjoy what food was doing, but I turned a blind eye. My memory fails me, but according to my last few blog update on June 26, 2010, I had gone from 371.5 to 328.5, dropping 43 pounds in 25 weeks. Dee had gone from 231.5 to 209.5, for a loss of 22 pounds.

Now, here I sit... a new year, with a revived spirit, and ready to kick this sucker in the tail again! I'm currently lumped here at 362, which mean I let 33.5 pounds of food defeat me in something like 4 months. Dee rebounded a mere 18.5 pounds, where she now sits at 228.

Are we embarrassed? Are we ashamed? In a word... NO. If anything, I hope to show that there is no easy button. Sure, when we stick to our plan, it works. If we slack off, well... it doesn't. I still hope to inspire and motivate through all the ups and downs, because this is a constant battle. In the end, I shall win the war.

Let the battle begin...
--Jay :)

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