Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eat Your Vegetables!

Ah, we finally remembered to bring a vegetable serving to eat with our dinner, and life is SO much more grand... :)

Today's offering was one of my faves... Brussels sprouts!

We worked through our last servings of chicken noodle soup for lunch, which means I'll have to prepare another lunch offering. I believe a pot of chicken posole is in the works!

I've also been enjoying some South Beach Diet "smore's" fiber bars that I found on a closeout at the grocery store. They're quite good, and packed with 9 grams of fiber a pop. Holy poop, Batman!

Official calorie count for the day was 1411 for Jay, 1341 for Dee.

And no, I won't be coming on EVERY day to do calorie counts. I'm just excited to be back in control of things for now, and felt like sharing. :)

--Jay :)

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