Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weigh-In: Week 2

We've reached the end of Week 2 back on the healthy eating plan, with a few substitutions here and there... Mostly, it seems that laziness set in again after we ran out of chicken barley soup for lunch, and I had no soup ingredients in the house! So on Friday & Saturday, I cooked up 1 cup of whole wheat pasta, took 1 can of tuna, and Dee & I split both. That, with some fat-free Italian and some salad veggies... worked out to be the same calories for lunch. Not too bad! :)

Weigh In Week Two [1/10/2011-1/16/2011]
Jay: 344.5 (-5.5 pounds for the week; -17.5 pounds for 2011)
~ [-101.5 overall since heaviest]
Dee: 219.0 (-2.5 pounds for the week; -9.0 pounds for 2011)
~ [-81.5 overall since heaviest]

Keep on' keepin' on!!!
--Jay :)

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