Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weight A Minute...

Well, we did it. We broke bad yesterday, made the trip to our nearest "city", and plopped down six whole bucks for a pair of 3-pound hand weights. Oh yeah! Dee was feeling the pain, using those bad boys for Day 4 of Shred this morning. They don't feel all that heavy until you do multiple reps of multiple exercises...

Now, all we have to do is saunter over to my aunt's house, as she has graciously offered up a yoga mat for us to use in this whole adventure. Once we procure that, we'll have a veritable home gym over here. :)

We've just finished a late lunch and are about to hit up some Zumba again... another 20 minute "express" Latin dance session, and we should be pretty good on exercise for today.

Tomorrow is weigh day, and we'll see how things turn out for the week!

--Jay :)

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