Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weigh-In: Week 3

Man, we woke up late this morning... well, later than we've become accustomed to lately. I think we slept until a whopping 9:45 or so! :)

We were hosting karaoke at a friend's birthday party last night, and didn't get home until about 12:30 am, so we needed that sleep! We were good though, not partaking of the foodstuffs at the party... Plus, we're hosting karaoke again tonight for the company I work for, at their annual "kick off the new year" party, and we intend to be just as good at avoiding the foodstuffs, or at least filtering them to find healthy options.

Anyway, it's the end of another week for us, and time for a weigh-in!

Weigh In Week Three [1/17/2011-1/23/2011]
Jay: 342.0 (-2.5 pounds for the week; -20.0 pounds for 2011)
Dee: 221.0 (+2.0 pounds for the week; -7.0 pounds for 2011)

The workouts seem to be having quite an effect on Dee, and it looks like she's in a muscle-building phase right now. Even I didn't lose quite as much as I thought I would, but we're both seeing little changes in our bodies already. They always say that the more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn, so eventually I think we'll even out and start to see more significant losses.

Keep it up!
--Jay :)

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