Monday, January 17, 2011

Is my alarm clock even awake that early?

We got up early this morning. To exercise. What... in... the... world...? (It was Dee's idea!) :-D

Yes, our trusty alarm clock blasted out a whine at 6:30am... a time I've become unfamiliar with since parting employment with a big-box retail outfit over a year ago. The store used to open at 6:00am, and I seem to have strange, horrible memories of waking up around 4:45am most mornings... *shudder*

She skipped and I trudged out to the den, where she burst forth with 20 minutes of Core Rhythms while I "Gazelle-d" half a mile in 11 minutes. Then: breakfast, shower, work, coffee. Here we be, no worse for wear. It's amazing what you can (be forced) to do if you put your mind to it. :)


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