Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Sore Subject...

We somehow magically arose at 6:00 am today, crept past a flock of sleeping roosters, and got laughed at by a group of bats, who heckled us for daring to be awake before they'd even started thinking about going to bed!

Dee decided to hop on the Gazelle for 20 minutes, crunching out 1.4 miles, while I opted to take the morning off and lay on the couch with my eyes closed, brimming with moral support. :) I think I'll try to push for adding some exercise 3-4 days per week, and she'll be going for a bit more than that.

After dance rehearsal last night, and kicking the exercise back in, Dee has become quite QUITE sore... but I guess it's a "good" sore. It's an "I'm accomplishing something awesome" sore. Mine always seems to be an "I could have slept for HOW many more minutes?" sore... :P

In an effort to liven things up, we've gotten ourselves some uber-trendy Zumba discs to blend in with the Core Rhythms, and we may have to give them a go this weekend...

If we still have any energy left, that is...

--Jay :)

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