Saturday, January 22, 2011

Exercise Recap: Week 3

All righty, we've reached the end of the exercise for Week 3 (technically Week 1 of officially exercising, but Week 3 of the healthy lifestyle do-over). Here's what we did:

Sunday 1/16/2011 [day off]
11:00 am - Dee - Gazelle Level 1 (30 min, 2.0 miles)
11:30 am - Jay - Gazelle Level 1 (15 min, 0.9 miles)
11:30 am - Dee - Core Rhythms Full Workout (38.5 min)

Monday 1/17/2011 [work day]
6:40 am - Jay - Gazelle Level 1 (11 min, 0.5 miles)
6:40 am - Dee - Core Rhythms Partial Workout (20 min)

Tuesday 1/18/2011 [work day]
6:10 am - Dee - Gazelle Level 1 (20 min, 1.4 miles)
6:10 am - Jay - laid on the couch, keeping the cat company

Wednesday 1/19/2011 [work day]
6:10 am - Jay - Gazelle Level 1 (11 min, 0.6 miles)
6:10 am - Dee - Shred Level 1, Day 1 (27 min)

Thursday 1/20/2011 [work day]
6:40 am - Dee - Shred Level 1, Day 2 (27 min)

Friday 1/21/2011 [day off]
7:50 am - Jay - Gazelle Level 1 (11.5 min, 0.6 miles)
7:50 am - Dee - Shred Level 1, Day 3 (27 min)
1:45 pm - Jay & Dee - Zumba Express Workout (20 min)

Saturday 1/22/2011 [day off]
9:00 am - Dee - Shred Level 1, Day 4 (27 min)
2:15 pm - Jay & Dee - Zumba Express Workout (20 min)

On Shred Day 4, Dee started using the proper 3 pound hand weights, and finally tossed my ghetto soup & tomato sauce can idea to the curb.

Whew!!! I tried to do something productive at least every other day, and worked in a total of about 1 1/2 hours of exercise for the week. Dee went the "every single day" approach, and got in just over 4 1/4 hours of exercise this week!

Weigh in tomorrow morning!
--Jay :)

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