Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a Numbers Game

I say... count your chickens!

Metaphorically, that is... Actually, we do eat a lot of chicken, so that could be literal... But, I digress...

We found out a while ago that weight loss, for the most part, is a science. It's all based on numbers, and if you work your math properly, there seems to be little room for failure. In that vein, we have officially started counting our caloric intake again, effective today.

Using the nifty little tools in our sidebar below, Dee & I figured out that she needs about 1200 calories per day to lose 1-2 pounds each week, and I need about 1600 calories each day to lose 2-3 pounds each week. Being a bigger dude has very few advantages. This be one of the few. :)

We have been working our way through our meal plan, as outlined in our "sticky" post "The Plan". We did realize this evening that we neglected to include our vegetable serving with dinner yesterday and today, which has left us a little hungrier than we should be.

I officially consumed 1296 calories today (a bit low), and Dee had 1226.

Take THAT, food!
--Jay :)

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