Friday, January 28, 2011


Dee has officially completed the tenth and last day of Shred Level 1! She had a happy, emotional moment, because it was such an amazing feeling to have stuck with this thing and accomplished a huge goal. She kicked this thing for 10 solid mornings in a row, no breaks, no wimping out! Tomorrow is her first day of Level 2, and we're sitting here watching it right now, just to see what she's in for. :)

I've been extraordinarily slack on the exercise front this week, mostly due to the fact that we slept in late on Monday after being at the party the night before, then I was cooking a pot of chicken barley soup for our lunch on Tuesday morning this week, and the other mornings I was most likely just being lazy. Ah, laziness. :-D

Dee's scale results have started swinging back in a good direction, so we think her body is getting adjusted to the new exercise routine. Hopefully, kicking it into Level 2 tomorrow doesn't scare the crap out of her muscles again! I'm down about 3.5 pounds for the week thus far, and should fall squarely on my goal of 4 pounds per week. Awesomeness.

Rock it!
--Jay :)

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