Friday, January 21, 2011

Can You Love Her & Hate Her Simultaneously?

Jillian Michaels.

Dee popped Day 2 of the Shred yesterday, and Day 3 this morning. Sometimes I think she'd like to run up and plant a fist into the television at points during the workout. Of course, Jillian has usually drained all her energy by then, so it's not even physically possible. Good thing. I like our TV. A lot. :)

On a serious note, Dee has been rocking her way through. I joined the exercise fun on the Gazelle both Wednesday and today, stifling the urge to yell "You can doooo it!" like Tony Little on the commercials.

We're both feeling remarkably good. I remember this happening last time we started exercising too, but it's so easy to forget that sometimes, getting your fitness level headed in the right direction... feels good. Dee has been less winded during workouts and theatre rehearsals, and she's been having more energy, which is a surprise. You'd normally think you'd feel worn out, beat down, smashed in the mud. Surprisingly not.

So, Jillian Michaels. Sometimes you want to rip her face off. But then, you realize that good things are happening. (Plus, you'd probably get arrested, or have to pay a fine or something. Pick up trash on the side of the highway in an orange jumpsuit.) We're not losing a ton of weight this week so far, but we're attributing that to the fact that maybe... just MAYBE... the exercise might be building some muscle. Who knows if it works that quickly?

Keep it up!
--Jay :)

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